Thursday, December 21, 2006

What is Going on...

I noticed that it is easy to write about many things going on in my life. Whether it be the move and new ministry at 'Oasis' or my sons, my wife or photography, but not so much about what is going on spiritually. I'm okay, but okay is not really good enough. I also noticed yesterday that I have grown and the journey God has me on is not as dramatic or exciting as some but it is for Him and I'm progressing. I spent yesterday writing and was prolific for almost two and a half hours amazing I wrote down so much and was really happy. Then I made some changes fiddled with a graphic and crashed the program losing all the work. During the process I was calm, while repeating, Please don't crash, over and over. Even before the program crashed, which took over an hour, I told my wife what was going on and she said maybe God thought I could write something better. I thought about it for a second and wished God would have told me before I started, but that is what it is often like, we have our own way of thinking and even how God should do things but we don't really learn to do it right until we let God move us and guide us. I wonder if it was like this for the writers of the Bible. No, I am not equating my writing with the Bible, my writing is no better than a child, but all that God participates in is inspired and though not the Bible nor a replacement it has value. Wish I had a Chuckism for this but I have a cold right now and can't think cleverly...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Starting again...

Starting again...

Well yet again I start a blog and I hope i can keep it up and share what is in my heart and learn some things too.
Surprised by Joy a reference to the book by C.S. lewis

Nothing yet still setting my mind to share

More on the spiritual side this writing. Some of my thoughts and musings as well as the issues I wrestle with.